For the ancient Slavs who inhabited Baltic coast the term “sopot” meant “creek”. Today there are seven such creeks that run through the relatively small city, hence the name. Before World War II people used to come to “Sopoty”, which is a plural of “Sopot”.
One of the biggest attractions of Sopot is the pier, the longest in the Baltic Sea basin. The XIX-century so called “SPA” architecture and Bohaterów Monte Cassino Street together with Krzywy Domek (the curved house) are just teasers. There is a lot more too see in the “Baltic Pearl” ora “Venice of the North”. More than one million of tourists yearly can’t be wrong ;-).
- Lenght of the route – appr. 1 km
- Visiting time – 1,5-2 h
- Off the route: Sopot Museum